
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Kim Il Sung Military University


Pyongyang, April 26 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, paid a congratulatory visit to Kim Il Sung Military University, the highest institute of military education in the DPRK, on April 25, the 92nd founding anniversary of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army.

All the teaching staff and students of the university were greatly excited and delighted at the highest honor and privilege of meeting the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un on their campus on the founding anniversary of the first genuine armed forces of Korea at a time when the powerful and matchless self-defensive capabilities of the revolutionary armed forces, which reliably guarantee the prosperity of the country with arms, are being fully demonstrated to the whole world.

When Kim Jong Un arrived at the university, stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" for the great Supreme Commander, symbol of the mightiness of Juche Korea and ever-victorious banner, were raised, rocking the sky in auspicious April.

He received a salute from the president of the university.

He was presented with bouquets by an educator and a student of the university in reflection of the boundless reverence of the officers and men of the entire army.

Acknowledging the enthusiastic cheers, he warmly encouraged all the teaching staff and students who are faithfully upholding the Party's ideas and cause of building a powerful army at the university which is linked with the precious name and glorious history of our revolutionary armed forces and constitutes the inexhaustible motive force for their heroism and invincibility.

He was accompanied by Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defense of the DPRK, Ri Yong Gil, chief of the General Staff of the Korean People's Army (KPA), commanders of the services and large combined units of the KPA.

He made a speech during his congratulatory visit to the university.

"Teachers, researchers and students of Kim Il Sung Military University,


"On the significant anniversary of the birth of the first armed forces of Korea, I have visited Kim Il Sung Military University, the 'eldest son' institution of military education in the country and a reliable 'pedigree' institution for training core cadres of our army. I am very glad and moved to meet you comrades.

"Today, we are significantly celebrating the anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army and are looking back upon the profound meaning of its founding with due respect. When its founding was the beginning of the prominent and sacred history of our army, the founding of

Kim Il Sung Military University and the history of its development are a proud course that laid an ever-victorious cornerstone for the army's vigorous advance.

"Thanks to the core role played by competent military personnel, our revolutionary armed forces have followed only the road of victory for over 90 years, and Kim Il Sung Military University has stood in the vanguard of the efforts for achieving those brilliant exploits.

"There is no other military academy or comprehensive military educational and scientific base in the world than this university, founded in the days of a fierce war, has made distinguished contributions to the strengthening of the military capability and to the revolutionary cause, maintaining its traditions and history as the combat ranks most faithful to the Party.

"Numerous military commanders, sturdy 'sons' born of this university, are now defending all fronts and posts firmly in various parts of the country and adding dignity and honour to the exploits of legendary victories performed by the Korean People's Army. This fact alone is enough for praising the name of the university forever.

"On behalf of the Central Committee of the Party and the government of the Republic, I highly appreciate and express sincere thanks to all the teachers, researchers and officials of Kim Il Sung Military University, who have firmly guaranteed the mightiness and invincibility of the heroic Korean People's Army and have remained boundlessly faithful to the Party's ideas and leadership from one century into the next and from one generation into the next with their matchless patriotic devotion and outstanding educational and scientific achievements.


"A powerful army represents the pillar and future of a powerful country, and the existence and prosperity of a state depend entirely on the strength of its military capability.

"Just as a house does not collapse when its pillars are strong, so our powerful People's Army and military capability can be prepared only when the forces that constitute the hard core of the army are firmly prepared.

"In view of the sacred mission of defending the country's sovereignty and ensuring peace and security that our army has shouldered and the high sense of responsibility for the future of the country and revolution that our army should shape in the vanguard, it is the main duty of Kim Il Sung Military University to train a larger number of military talents fully prepared for modern warfare and reliable military commanders of the army of the Party.

"The more faithful the university is to its sacred duty, the greater our army's militant might will grow in every way and, in direct proportion to this, the greater the enemy's uneasiness and fear will become.

"As long as this military university, the cradle for growing our army and the base for guaranteeing victory of our army, remains firm as a university absolutely loyal to the Party, as a base of a revolution in war tactics that would decide the destiny of a revolutionary war and as a base for training military talents, the wheel of history following the victorious road will never turn back.


"The first generation of our armed forces recorded sacred ideals and the truth of invincibility in the sacred red flag. Our generation has shouldered an extraordinary mission to bring into bolder relief the ideals and truth in our era and in the history facing us with a great victory in war.

"At this time, when we feel keenly once again the sacred duty of our army before the times and the revolution, together with the profound historic meaning of the founding of the KPRA, I ardently appeal to all the teachers, researchers and students present here on the significant occasion.

"For our beloved state and for the far-reaching plan of our army, which will demonstrate its strongest might in the world for ever, let us faithfully serve with a steadfast revolutionary spirit, with a transformation in military education and with a passion for studying.

"Glory to the bright future of the university!"

When the speech was over, all the teaching staff and students paid the highest tribute to the peerlessly illustrious commander who is ushering in a gigantic new heyday in building a prosperous country with a strong army while glorifying the dignity and the history of heroic victory of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK originated in Mt Paektu at the climax of the greatest strength and honor.

Kim Jong Un again extended warm congratulations to the teaching staff and students celebrating the truly significant and glorious anniversary for the WPK, the state and the people with great pride in the sacred history and will of succession.

He went round the revolutionary museum and the room dedicated to the history of the university.

He recollected with deep emotion the immortal historic achievements of President   Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, who founded the university during the life-and-death hard-fought Fatherland Liberation War and, through energetic leadership, developed it into a world-class university with the history and prestige of adding an invincible spirit and grandiose fame to the brilliant victorious history of the armed forces of the DPRK and into a centre for training the core backbone of the KPA.

He called on the university, which has shared the intention and pace with the Party single-mindedly in the days of both glory and ordeals, to invariably glorify the history and tradition of loyalty and more creditably train a large number of competent commanding officers who would firmly guarantee the eternal history of an independent and powerful country by force of arms.

After seeing a class at lesson in a lecture room and a seminar at a room for studying educational methods, guided by senior officials of the university, he learned in detail in the combined teaching control room about the updating of education and expressed great satisfaction over the educational achievements made by the university.

Noting that the military educational front is a bulwark and outpost for strengthening the core position of the army of the Party, he said that when the future of the revolutionary cause of Juche pioneered on Mt Paektu depends on the mightiness and matchless fighting efficiency of the KPA, the fighting efficiency of the KPA to be steadily developed in conformity with the present era should be guaranteed by high abilities and excellent teaching results of the university teachers.

He set forth important tasks and ways for putting the educational work of the university onto a new high, stressing the need to train all students to be intelligent and brave all-round commanding officers possessed of absolute loyalty to the Party and the revolution and high military qualifications by consistently holding fast to and thoroughly implementing the Party's four-point line on building a powerful army and the Party's policy on putting the military educational contents on an actual fighting, comprehensive and modern basis.

He had a photo session with the teaching staff and students in commemoration of his visit to the university.

All the teaching staff and students extended deep gratitude to the great teacher and benevolent father who clearly indicated the road ahead of the university with his gifted ideological and theoretical wisdom and rare scientific insight and repeatedly showed deep love and trust.

He expressed expectation and belief that the university would, in the future, too, invariably demonstrate the dignity and honor of having guaranteed the eternal prosperity of our revolutionary armed forces with the proud successes of military education and lead a new period of surge in building a powerful army.

When the photo session was over, the participants broke into stormy cheers of    "Kim Jong Un" and "Death-defying Defense".

Then Kim Jong Un watched a football match between the teams of              Kim Il Sung Military University and Kim Il Sung University of Politics held on the occasion of the founding anniversary of the KPRA.

The stadium was full of joy and optimism of the cheering persons and the players who were to play a match in the presence of the respected Supreme Commander whom they had yearned for so much.

The match ended with the victory of the team of the military university.

That evening the Ministry of National Defense of the DPRK hosted a reception in congratulation of the teaching staff of Kim Il Sung Military University greeting the holiday.

Present there on invitation were senior officials of the WPK Central Committee.

Minister of National Defense Kang Sun Nam made a speech at the reception.

The reception proceeded amid a soaring will of the participants to remain loyal to the Party's idea of building a powerful army through a rapid development of military education.

The congratulatory visit to Kim Il Sung Military University paid by Kim Jong Un on a significant holiday in the army-building history will shine long in the history of the country as an occasion which injected an endless vitality into the glorious journey of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK which are steadily carrying forward the ever-victorious tradition of the revolutionary army of the Party, which was born with the two pistols loaded with the idea of Juche, with eternal heroism and great fame and are victoriously developing with an aim to possess the world's strongest self-defense capability.

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