
Monday, October 27, 2014

The United States instigates Western countries to escalate sanctions against Russia in the wake of the Ukrainian crisis. Russia has adopted retaliatory measures, especially by imposing a moratorium on importing foodstuffs from the EU nations and other countries involved in the sanctions. Specialists estimate that those Western countries would suffer greater losses than Russia.
The reality calls into question the necessity of the anti-Russia sanctions masterminded by the United States.
Historically, successive US administrations have used “sanctions” as a means of global domination, presuming that it would be effective in achieving their aims easily by suffocating the rivals while camouflaging their aggressive nature and avoiding human losses and material damages to be incurred by wars.
In actual fact, the United States has imposed a variety of sanctions against other countries on the pretext of “human rights” and “support of terrorism.”
But most of the countries that have been subject to these sanctions have no such “issues.” They include the DPRK, Cuba and Iran that are opposed to or challenge the United States.
Ambitious for world domination and hegemony, the latter has been hostile to these countries for dozens of years.
The US sanctions, however, have turned out ineffectual and failed to attain the initial aim of making the affected countries deviate from the path of anti-imperialist independence; instead they fostered antagonism against the United States and the Western world among the nationals of Cuba, Iran and other independent countries.
As a typical example, the United States has sustained a total failure in its policy hostile towards the DPRK.
Its sanctions against the country are unprecedented in their scope, intensity and period.
They have lasted for nearly 70 years, starting from the effectuation of the moratorium on exporting under the Export Control Act on June 28, 1950.
The United States adopted Trading with the Enemy Act and several other restrictive measures to ban its corporations’ investment in and financial transactions with the DPRK and apply sanctions against those countries that established business relations with the latter. Japan and some Western European countries colluded with the United States.
The sanctions against the DPRK grew more undisguised in recent years.
The United States took issue with the DPRK over its launch of artificial earth satellites for peaceful purposes and up building of self-defensive nuclear deterrent. In cahoots with its vassal countries it pressurized the UN Security Council into adopting resolutions on anti-DPRK sanctions. In a recent notice to the US Congress Obama dubbed the DPRK as an “extraordinary and special threat to the United States” and stated that the economic sanctions against it would be extended by one year. The House of Representatives passed a bill to the effect that it would check the DPRK’s sources of earning dollars and other foreign exchange to preclude its nuclear and missile development.
Despite the vicious moves by the United States and its vassal forces the DPRK remains unperturbed; the single-hearted unity of its service personnel and people around their leader grows stronger. It is worth mentioning that the country has a powerful, independent national economy which enables it to nullify any kind of sanctions by outside forces.
It is foolish to think that the sanctions would precipitate the country into economic meltdown and prompt its people to complain about poor living conditions and rise up against their government.
Now the DPRK does not vacillate in the face of harsh sanctions, advancing straight along the road of its own choice–the road of independence, Songun and socialism. It continues to facilitate self-defensive nuclear and missile development and achieve world-startling successes in its drive to build a civilized socialist country, both powerful and prosperous.
Recently, in spite of persistent international sanctions, the Korean people built such world-class structures as Munsu Water Park, Masikryong Ski Resort, Mirim Riding Club and Songdowon International Children’s Camp. Happy laughter of children and other people rings out louder at these public recreational facilities.
The United States and its vassal nations are well advised to remember that the harsher sanctions they might apply against the DPRK, the more dynamically the political and military giant will advance towards the goal of economic prosperity, demonstrating its national strength to the whole world.

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