
Sunday, January 10, 2016

WPK Central Committee Issues Order to Conduct First H-Bomb Test

Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, issued an order to conduct the first H-bomb test of Juche Korea on December 15, Juche 104 (2015) on behalf of the Workers' Party of Korea and then signed the final written order on Jan. 3, Juche 105 (2016).
The DPRK government issues a statement on the first H-bomb test of Juche Korea conducted under the strategic resolve of the Workers' Party of Korea.
Rodong News Team

DPRK Proves Successful in H-bomb Test

The DPRK government issued the following statement Wednesday: 2016.1.6
There took place a world startling event to be specially recorded in the national history spanning 5 000 years in the exciting period when all service personnel and people of the DPRK are making a giant stride, performing eye-catching miracles and exploits day by day after turning out as one in the all-out charge to bring earlier the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche, true to the militant appeal of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK).
The first H-bomb test was successfully conducted in Juche Korea at 10:00 on Wednesday, Juche 105 (2016), pursuant to the strategic determination of the WPK.
Through the test conducted with indigenous wisdom, technology and efforts the DPRK fully proved that the technological specifications of the newly developed H-bomb for the purpose of test were accurate and scientifically verified the power of smaller H-bomb.
It was confirmed that the H-bomb test conducted in a safe and perfect manner had no adverse impact on the ecological environment.
The test means a higher stage of the DPRK's development of nuclear force.
By succeeding in the H-bomb test in the most perfect manner to be specially recorded in history the DPRK proudly joined the advanced ranks of nuclear weapons states possessed of even H-bomb and the Korean people came to demonstrate the spirit of the dignified nation equipped with the most powerful nuclear deterrent.
This test is a measure for self-defence the DPRK has taken to firmly protect the sovereignty of the country and the vital right of the nation from the ever-growing nuclear threat and blackmail by the U.S.-led hostile forces and to reliably safeguard the peace on the Korean Peninsula and regional security.
Since the appearance of the word hostility in the world there has been no precedent of such deep-rooted, harsh and persistent policy as the hostile policy the U.S. has pursued towards the DPRK.
The U.S. is a gang of cruel robbers which has worked hard to bring even a nuclear disaster to the DPRK, not content with having imposed the thrice-cursed and unheard-of political isolation, economic blockade and military pressure on it for the mere reason that it has differing ideology and social system and refuses to yield to the former's ambition for aggression.
The Korean Peninsula and its vicinity are turning into the world's biggest hotspot where a nuclear war may break out since they have been constantly stormed with all nuclear strike means of the U.S. imperialist aggressor troops, including nuclear carrier strike group and nuclear strategic flying corps.
While kicking up all forms of economic sanctions and conspiratorial "human rights" racket against the DPRK with mobilization of the hostile forces, the U.S. has made desperate efforts to block its building of a thriving nation and improvement of the people's living standard and "bring down its social system".
The DPRK's access to H-bomb of justice, standing against the U.S., the chieftain of aggression watching for a chance for attack on it with huge nukes of various types, is the legitimate right of a sovereign state for self-defense and a very just step no one can slander.
Genuine peace and security cannot be achieved through humiliating solicitation or compromise at the negotiating table.
The present-day grim reality clearly proves once again the immutable truth that one's destiny should be defended by one's own efforts.
Nothing is more foolish than dropping a hunting gun before herds of ferocious wolves.
The spectacular success made by the DPRK in the H-bomb test this time is a great deed of history, a historic event of the national significance as it surely guarantees the eternal future of the nation.
The DPRK is a genuine peace-loving state which has made all efforts to protect peace on the Korean Peninsula and security in the region from the U.S. vicious nuclear war scenario.
The DPRK, a responsible nuclear weapons state, will neither be the first to use nuclear weapons nor transfer relevant means and technology under any circumstances as already declared as long as the hostile forces for aggression do not encroach upon its sovereignty.
There can neither be suspended nuclear development nor nuclear dismantlement on the part of the DPRK unless the U.S. has rolled back its vicious hostile policy toward the former.
The army and people of the DPRK will steadily escalate its nuclear deterrence of justice both in quality and quantity to reliably guarantee the future of the revolutionary cause of Juche for all ages.
Juche Korea will be prosperous forever as it holds fast to the great WPK's line of simultaneously pushing forward the two fronts.

Kim Jong Un Watches Firing Contest of KPA Artillery Units

Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, watched a firing contest of KPA artillery units.
Taking part in the contest were artillery sub-units under KPA Large Combined Units 966, 313, 567, 526, 233, 549, 324, 593 and 287.
After hearing a report on the procedure and way of a single-gun firing contest, the Supreme Commander watched the contest at an observation post.
All the contestants hit every target with the perfect marksmanship they acquired in routine drills and thus displayed the will of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army to mercilessly wipe out any provokers against the DPRK, a socialist country.
With a broad smile on his face, Kim Jong Un said that the dependable KPA artillerymen are very good at firing and they seem to be well-trained snipers.
Noting that the single-gun firing method, applied at the contest, is a very good training method for single-shot hit without trial firing, he underlined the need to positively study new ways, contents and methods of training, as required by modern warfare, and thus improve the effectiveness of drills so as to make a fresh progress in staging drills.
At the contest the first place was taken by KPA Large Combined Unit 966, the second by Unit 549 and the third by Unit 593. They were followed by Units 287, 313, 324, 567, 233 and 526 in standings.
Successful units and soldiers were awarded crackshots certificates, medals and badges.
Then Kim Jong Un advanced important tasks for building up the Juche-based artillery force before KPA commanding officers, executive members of the KPA Party Committee and artillery commanders of the large combined units.
What is essential in strengthening the artillery force is to raise the firing hit-rate above anything else, he said, urging the KPA to stage a brisk drive for learning from the heroic artillerymen on Mu Islet as part of the crackshots movement.
He expressed great expectation and belief that the officers and soldiers of all artillery units and sub-units would intensify their drills, as the anti-Japanese guerillas did in Mt. Paektu, under the Party's slogan of training-first to improve the artillery force in a qualitative way and thus contribute to reliably defending the Party and the revolution, the country and its people.
1.4 COTONOU, (Xinhua) -- L'opérateur économique béninois Sébastien Germain Ajavon a officiellement déclaré dimanche à Cotonou sa candidature pour la présidentielle béninoise de février 2016.
Âgée de 51 ans, Sébastien Germain Ajavon, spécialisé dans la commercialisation des produits alimentaires (volaille, produits de la mer), est élu depuis 2005 président du Conseil national du patronat du Bénin. Il a le soutien d'une dizaine de députés proche de l'opposition au régime du président sortant.
Il a promis d'être, s'il était élu, "le président de tous les béninois sans distinction de région, d'ethnie, de sexe, de religion, de conviction politique et de catégorie socio-professionnelle", et s'engage à débarrasser de "toute forme de régionalisme et de népotisme".
Le Bénin connaitra en 2016 pour la 6ème fois, l'organisation d'une élection présidentielle depuis l'avènement du renouveau démocratique de février 1990.
Quelques 4,7 millions d'électeurs béninois seront appelés aux urnes dès le 28 février 2016 pour le premier tour de l'élection présidentielle, en vue d'élire le successeur de l'actuel chef d'Etat du Bénin, Boni Yayi, dont le dernier mandat constitutionnel sera achevé le 6 avril 2016.
Au Tchad, le chef de l’Etat a annoncé dans son message de fin d’année que 2016 sera encore une année difficile sur le plan économique en raison de la chute des cours du pétrole. Des perspectives qui pourraient compliquer les relations entre le gouvernement et les travailleurs.
Le dernier trimestre de l’année 2015 a été marqué par des grèves des travailleurs notamment dans les secteurs de l’éducation et de la santé en raison des retards dans le versement des salaires. Des débrayages qui ont paralysé l’administration obligeant parfois les élèves des établissements publics à manifester violement leur mécontentement.
Début 2015, le chef de l’Etat avait prévenu que l’année serait difficile. Il renouvelle cette prévision pour l’année 2016 mais promet que le gouvernement fera de son mieux. « Je vous invite donc à plus de responsabilité car l’année 2016 sera encore difficile » déclare Idriss Deby. Le paiement des salaires sera assuré a cependant promis le président tchadien qui a promis qu'il ne connaîtrait « plus de retard criant ».
Pour l’an 2016 qui commence, le Président Faure Gnassingbé a souhaité le samedi 02 janvier à ses compatriotes et à leurs proches ses vœux ardents de santé, de paix profonde et de prospérité.
En faisant le bilan de l’année 2015 qui s’est achevée, Faure a rappelé l’insécurité dans le monde, les évènements à Tabligbo et Mango, le climat social qui s’est apaisé, les bonnes perspectives économiques qui s’annoncent pour le pays et l’idée de la reprise du processus de réformes politiques et de décentralisation.
En ce qui concerne les évènements malheureux survenus à Tabligbo et Mango et leurs gestions, Faure a préconisé des mesures préventives. Pour une prévision ou à défaut une gestion efficace de ces genres de situation, il a invité les Togolais à travailler ensemble pour prévenir ce genre de situations « que nous ne pouvons et ne devons tolérer’. Il a demandé davantage de professionnalisme aux forces de sécurité et un sens civique plus développé de la part de la population ».
Tout en se félicitant de la tenue de la dernière présidentielle, il s’est aussi réjoui sur le plan économique et social de son optimisme et de sa confiance quant à l’amélioration des conditions de vie de la population. Il n’a manqué de souligner que « …la sécurité, le climat social apaisé qui règne dans notre pays sont de précieux acquis qui méritent d’être préservés… Il illustre la force du ciment social togolais, fruit d’une décennie de politique de développement inclusif ».
En rapport avec la consolidation de l’Etat de démocratie dans le pays, Faure Gnassingbé a annoncé que « … de nouvelles étapes seront franchies dans le processus de réformes politiques et de décentralisation. Ceci nécessite de donner corps à la commission sur les réformes constitutionnelles et institutionnelles et d’amorcer la mise en œuvre de la feuille de route relative à la décentralisation et aux élections locales ».

Inaugural Ceremony of Sci-Tech Complex Held in Presence of Kim Jong Un

There took place an inaugural ceremony of the Sci-Tech Complex with splendor in the presence of supreme
leader Kim Jong Un on Friday, New Year's Day.
Pak Pong Ju, member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and premier of the Cabinet, made an address.
He said the complex is the center for disseminating latest science and technology provided by the Workers' Party of Korea in the 21st century, the age of knowledge-based economy.
The complex is a magnificent edifice for all the people's study meeting diverse purposes to be proud of in the world and an icon of the Juche-oriented architectural art in the great era of Kim Jong Un, he stressed.
Our people came to have another seat of learning meeting the requirements of a highly civilized socialist nation as the world's best center for disseminating science and technology has been built not only for scientists and technicians but also for other people.
Amid the playing of the welcome music Kim Jong Un cut the inaugural tape.
At the end of the ceremony he went round the complex together with senior officials of the party, state and army.
Going round the interior of the complex, he said this is a great center for all-people study and one for disseminating latest science and technology in which the party's plan has been materialized. He said meaningful words that the first gate to the New Year to greet the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea has been opened with science.
He called for operating well the complex, the precious wealth of the country, and greatly contributing to making all the people well versed in science and technology, turning the DPRK into a power of science and technology and developing it into a talented nation.
He underscored the need for the scientific field to firmly build up forces for developing science and technology, boost creative cooperation among scientists and researchers and widely generalize the successes and experience gained and thus steadily develop the nation's science and technology.
He stressed the need for the agricultural sector to make a dynamic technological revolution, apply scientific farming methods, increase the proportion of mechanization in farm work and, at the same time, launch a high-pitched drive for putting farming and stock-breeding on a scientific basis.
He underlined the need for the field of education to steadily push forward the work for improving conditions and environment for education in the age of knowledge-based economy and thus train huge ranks of talents who will play important roles in bringing earlier the building of a socialist economic power.
Present at the ceremony were Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju, Kim Ki Nam, Choe Thae Bok, O Su Yong, Ro Tu Chol, officials of the army and society, service personnel, builders and helpers who took part in the construction of the complex, officials and employees of the complex, officials of ministries, national institutions, those of institutions and enterprises, and scientists, educators, youth and students and other working people in Pyongyang.

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