
Thursday, October 04, 2012

86th Anniversary of Formation of the DIU
The Down-with-Imperialism Union (DIU) was the first revolutionary vanguard organization formed by President Kim Il Sung (1912-1994), the founding father of socialist Korea, 86 years ago.
Korean people had ceaselessly waged various forms of struggles to regain their national sovereignty and independence after the military occupation by Japan(1905). They, however, had suffered repeated failure and frustration because of lack of an outstanding leader and a genuine vanguard organization.
Kim Il Sung, who embarked on the struggle to save the destiny of his suffering nation in his teens, learnt a serious lesson from the preceding nationalist movement and early communist movement, and decided to take a way different from theirs. He formed the DIU on October 17, 1926, with young people of a new generation.
 The DIU put it forward as its program to overthrow the Japanese imperialists, achieve Korea’s liberation and independence, build socialism and communism in Korea and further struggle for the global victory of communism after defeating imperialism.
Under the leadership of Kim Il Sung the Korean revolution which started with the formation of the DIU, has made brisk headway along the road of independence, Songun and unity over the past 85 years.
Independence is the fundamental principle and the basic stance of the Korean revolution upheld by the DIU.
Having created the Juche idea, an independent revolutionary theory centered on the masses of the people, in the early days of his revolutionary activities, Kim Il Sung applied the ideal and principle of independence to the letter in the whole course of his leadership of the Korean revolution.
He founded the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army, though there was no state rear or a regular army to fall back on, and held fast to the banner of liberation by self-reliance during the 15-year-long anti-Japanese armed struggle. True to his instructions, anti-Japanese guerrillas gave up their hope of building a hand grenade factory by relying on a foreign country, set up arsenals in forest, and made Yongil bombs to destroy their enemy .
After the country’s liberation(August 15,1945), Kim Il Sung advanced the origin line of building Korean-style democracy, quite different from the former Soviet style or the American style, and ensured that the opinions, interests and demands of the Korean people were embodied in a thoroughgoing way in building a new society.
In the days of the Korean war (1950-1953) provoked by the US imperialists, he created such unique military tactics suited to the Korean reality as the tactics of deploying direct-firing guns on heights and the movement of aircraft-hunting teams, thus bring the formidable enemy to their Keens.
In the periods of socialist revolution and construction following the war, he rejected categorically the pressure and intervention of great-power chauvinists, who demanded Korea’s entry into CEMA, and firmly adhered to an independent stand and thus has built a powerful socialist country, independent, self-sufficient and self-reliant in defense, on this land.
Kim Jong Il who carried forward the President’s cause with credit made public many works, including The Worker’s Party of Korea Is a Juche-Type Revolutionary Party Which Inherited the Glorious Tradition of the DIU(October 17, 1982). He led the WPK to continue to conduct its activities independently and creatively as suited to Korean people’s interests and Korea’s conditions, regarding the Juche idea as its guideline, so that Korean people could win victories in accomplishing the socialist cause.
Songun is an invariable banner of the Korean revolution as it fully embodies the ideal of the anti-imperialist struggle of the DIU.
The formation of the DIU was a declaration of life-and –death battle to overthrow Japanese imperialism and a declaration of a showdown with all imperialist forces on the global.
Kim Il Sung, who in his early day clarified the principle of struggle that it is only when people fight counterrevolutionary violence with revolutionary violence that they can win victory, maintained consistently the idea and line of attaching importance to arms, to military affairs, from the dawn of the Korean revolution. He always directed primary efforts to the reinforcing of the military might and ensured victory of the Korean revolution as a whole on the strength of the powerful military might in the whole period of guiding the anti-imperialist cause of the Korean people.
Thanks to his Songun-based revolutionary leadership, the Korean army and people performed military feats of defeating the two imperialist powers-the US and Japan, defended the national sovereignty and dignity, and dealt resolutely with the imperialists’ frequent moves of aggression, advancing the socialist cause along the road of victory by dint of powerful arms.
Kim Jong Il pursued Songun politics by creditably inheriting the President’s Songun idea and line that had their origin in the program of the DIU. Herein lies the basic guarantee that enables Korea to win victories tiding over all hardships century after century.
Unity is the great foundation of the Korean revolution raised by the DIU as the philosophy of victory on the invincible strength of the single-hearted unity of the leader and the masses.
In the whole period of leading the Korean revolution, Kim Il Sung found in unity the main factor of all victories and devoted all his energy to achieving the unity and cohesion of the ranks based on comradeship. He led the army and people wisely so as to strengthen the motive force of the revolution in each period and at each stage of development of the revolution and, by the dint of it, advance the revolution vigorously through thick and thin to effect a new upsurge.
That is how the Korean society has been turned into a harmonious whole, in which the entire army and all the people are united firmly around their leader, an entity that no nuclear weapon can break, and into a big harmonious socialist family where everyone helps and leads one another forward.
Kim Jong Il developed Korea into a country united in one mind around the leader, a large family in a socialist society by inheriting the President’s idea and ideal of unity, and his politics of love and benevolence.
He always found himself among the people and lent attentive ears to their opinions to formulate the lines and politics of the WPK, and led officials to go among the people to share the sweets and bitters with them.
A victory and glory will always be in store for socialist Korea, a country dignified with independence, mighty by dint of Songun and invincible with the single-hearted unity.

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