
Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Social Phenomena Characteristic of the DPRK

Foreigners can witness in the DPRK social phenomena characteristic of the country.

People Unaware of House Rent
Foreigners who look round Changjon Street, newly built in Pyongyang, are struck with wonder because most of the householders are common people and they are utterly unaware of house rent. They rather asked about the price of a flat in the West. In fact, if a worker in the West wants to buy such a wonderful house, he must save all his earnings for 100 years. Compared to the reality in the West where many people have to live in rented houses, the reality in the DPRK cannot but be surprising for the people in West.

Residents under Care of Doctors in Charge
The section doctor system has been established in the DPRK. Each doctor in charge of a certain number of households take responsible care of the residents’ health.
In capitalist society the logic that life and money form a functional relation has become ingrained in the minds of the people. So, it is hard for them to understand the fact that the people of the DPRK have their household doctors gratis, which is possible only for the rich in the West.
The resident representative of the World Health Organization to the DPRK said that there is no such a country in the world as the DPRK where the public health system is coordinated so efficiently. Though the West is picking a quarrel with the human rights issue of the DPRK, it has already established a genuine system for human rights which protects the lives of the people free of charge.

Free Education
In 2012 the DPRK announced the enforcement of universal 12-year compulsory education at the Sixth Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly.
Attention should be paid to the fact that it is a free education system. This country has so far given schooling to students and children free of charge since 1959 when the universal free education system was enforced. After passing through the course of 12-year compulsory education, students are also given free access to such courses of higher education as university and post-graduate school.
The people are filled with a feeling of gratitude to Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, who established this system, and Kim Jong Un, who is developing it further.

No Unemployment
Sudden Increase in Suicide of the Youth from the Failure of Employment, this is the title of an article carried in Yomiuri Shimbun of Japan; it reported in detail the reality of Japan, where the number of the youths in their teens and twenties who attempt suicide after failing to get jobs is on increase.
However, there is no unemployment in the DPRK. There are neither a signboard Labour Exchange nor application for jobs on newspapers and Internet, to say nothing of vagrants on the streets. In this country, the state is entirely responsible for assigning graduates from senior middle schools and universities to suitable jobs.
  In this country people choose their jobs out of the moral sense, not egoism; as this has become a trend of society, it is natural that there will be no one who fails to get a job.

Women with High Dignity
Women in capitalist society take it for granted that they fall prey to a man's lust for money. This is the reality of that society which makes a fuss about civilization and prosperity. It is not abnormal that in that society women sell their chastity for money.
On the contrary, women in the DPRK are leading a dignified life as proud masters of the country and society, some as deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly where they discuss state affairs and some others as managers of factories and enterprises. First-time visitors to the country, enslaved by their way of thinking, try to look for prostitutes in hotels and streets. Those who come in sight are only women going to workplace with a bright smile on their faces.

Society Where Forlorn Crime Cannot Be Found
Crimes often committed in capitalist society are due largely to the social system pursuing personal comfort and pleasure and the view of value that money is almighty. Hair-raisers infested in capitalist society lead to more serious social evils with the accumulation of revengeful psychology.
The DPRK can be called the only country which is free from forlorn crimes. The reason is that the country provides the working people with all sorts of social conditions for leading an abundant life in keeping with the nature of human being; in this society people enjoy an independent and creative life as masters of the state and society.
The people possess the view of value that their activity for the good of the collective and society is valuable and regard it as the highest honour to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. This is the mental character peculiar to them.  
It is evident that the forlorn crimes cannot be committed in this country in which the people learn and work to their heart’s content and their dignity is guaranteed under the care of society since their birth.

Nothing to Be Angry with
Anti-government demonstrations are an everyday occurrence in capitalist society.
In the DPRK, however, the voices of supporting the country and devoting themselves to society ring out more loudly, instead of indignation and curse.
It is because there is nothing to be angry with. The people in this country are free from the heavy burdens of school registration fee, doctor’s fee, house rent and taxes common in other parts of the world; they enjoy the benefits of the genuine people-oriented policies.
The slogan “Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!” is embodied in all activities of society. Its reality greatly differs from that of the mammonish capitalist world where the law of the jungle governs.

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