
Sunday, December 24, 2017

Kim Il Sung’s Bodyguard

Kim Jong Suk devoted her all to defending the ever-victorious brilliant Commander     Kim Il Sung.
The June 1940 battle of Dashahe is a typical example.
During the height of the battle the Commander was standing on a hillside rock. Hiding herself nearby, Kim Jong Suk kept a sharp watch on the surroundings. Suddenly, she noticed that several enemy soldiers were worming their way through a reed field. A few steps away from where the Commander was, they were levelling their rifles at him. At this critical moment she shielded him and opened fire, killing them all. Thus she saved the Commander, which was a notable contribution to the Korean revolution.
Later on, even in the years of nation-building after Korea’s liberation, she remained faithful as the leader’s bodyguard.

This year the Korean people will mark the centenary of her birth. They will always remember the brilliant career of the anti-Japanese war heroine as an ennobling example of loyalty.

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